Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Talk Nicely!

Yesterday, I was awful in the wee hours of the morning. Poor Superbaby needed to poop and couldn't, so she woke up more often than usual and thought she should be up for good by 5:30. I don't rise at things that start with 5; I know that's spoiled, but that's the way I roll. I spoke harshly to poor Superbaby! I didn't yell, but I didn't talk nicely either. For all the talking we do about "ask me nicely" and "talk nicely" with Supertoddler, we sure slip up sometimes too. "Why are you awaaaaaaaaake?!?! Why won't you sleeeeeeeeeep?!?!" She answered me by pooping out of her diaper cover, through her pajamas, and onto my pajama pants.

I deserved that.

Then she (and finally I) fell into a much-needed deep sleep.

Fast forward a couple hours where Mas needed a bath for the no-need-to-mention-it-by-name-anymore reason. After I apologized to her for not talking nicely or being sympathetic, Shaifali said she was sorry for pooping on me and keeping me up and that she'd like to make it up to me. I told her to start here:

Suddenly struck by early onset teenageritis, she said, "I'm not so sure about this":

Procrastination ensued:

She finally got it done:

The rest of the day went smoothly. Here's to quick recoveries from all of the blunders that make us human and sometimes feel like speed bumps on the road to raising good humans.