Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Survival of the Fittest

Mas has a new two-part trick. Part one is waking himself up fully whenever he even stirs. So even if he is super sleep-deprived and shouldn't be up, he will wake up. Part two adds the elements of excitement and surprise to the mix: he comes out of his room whenever he wakes up. Put these together and you get last night: a little weirdo walking into our room at 3:30 in the morning. Or you get this afternoon: a little weirdo walking into our room while Shaifali and I were sleeping during said weirdo's supposed nap. Sometimes he doesn't go to sleep when he's supposed to and makes random noises and plays in his room. Then he comes out and announces, "Mas wake up." I've tried to tell him that announcing you've woken up presupposes that you were ever asleep, but he's not buying it.

Here are pictures of how I found him "napping" after I sent him back for more sleep:

Today was filled with screaming and hitting and devilish grins and timeouts. And Shaifali, labeled the Good One for her developmental stage, was unusually hard to put down to sleep.

I called my sister and parents to offer them a free toddler. I told them it was a one-day special, though it could be extended. Shaifali has the price tag of $50,000 today. I only put a price tag on her as an investment for two years down the road. They're thinking over the freebie option and said they'd call me back. I've been waiting by the phone, but it hasn't been ringing. Hmmm.

Survival of the Fittest. If surviving is all it takes, then count me among the fittest. It was a survival mode kind of day today. Not the usual chaotic kind of day that kicks me into survival mode. Just the, "if he screams in my ear one more time . . ." kind. To be honest, I can't even remember what had me so ticked off. Selective memory coming through for me once again. (I do remember battling him to get back the chair I had been sitting in to eat some food. I only got up to change the radio station.)

Upon Superdad's return, we made ourselves feel better about my bad/mad/annoyed day by becoming toddlers ourselves and mocking poor Supertoddler. He has made up a song which consists of the lyrics: doing, doing, doing, doing, doing, doing. He says "doing" to mean "what are you doing." Future copyright freak that he is, he doesn't like other people singing his song. So we tormented the poor child by singing it to him. I even did it again to get a video to share with you:

Pathetically, my antics worked to make me feel better. I stop short of recommending that you all stoop to a toddler's level for comfort.

On to the goodness! All day, I kept thinking about my friend who had gotten to go to Happy Hour at this nice restaurant in town a few weeks ago. I love going on a date with myself, and I daydreamed of that today. I am a lucky lady and feel very fortunate. Superdad granted my wish! I jokingly said that that's what I wanted (swear I wasn't dropping a hint), and he said, "do it!" So I did.

We don't have a lot of extra money for such extravagances, so you better believe I relished every beautiful part of it. I made sure to chew slowly to enjoy every flavor and maximize all the nutrients. I sipped my Lemon Drop (first alcoholic drink I've had in a year and probably second alcoholic drink I've had in three--oh my!) throughout my meal. I did a minimal amount of people watching/eavesdropping and a maximum amount of reading my O(prah) magazine. And I ordered well. Calamari with spicy aioli. Bosc pear and Roquefort salad with endive and lemon. And the best darn butterscotch pudding with whipped cream and sugar cookies I've ever had. I brought half of that home for Superdad.

Rest assured that I didn't leave all my Supermomness behind. I skipped over to the drycleaners mid-meal to pick up Superdad's pants for him. I like to think I'm cool for being able to hop out of relaxation mode for four minutes, then hop right back in. The jury is still out.

I'd like to say that I'll never complain again and that I'll be able to keep this feeling with me forever, but I'm not that unrealistic. But I will continue to appreciate my partner for all he is, give myself time away from the kids so that my deep appreciation for them is renewed (even if it's just for a free nighttime walk), be thankful for this pretty lavish experience, and count the blessings that are my family and friends. In this time of life--where it's a fantastic weekend day where Superdad takes a shower by 1:00 and I get the whole house to myself for a few hours so I can clean (true story), it's all about seeing the good through the poop- and screaming-filled haze.

Superbaby earns her name


  1. happy hour????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? without moi??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  2. When my second was born, my team of three midwives sat me down and gave me a stern lecture about how I had to do whatever it takes to make Time For Myself. "From this point on for the next 20 years," they said, "NOBODY is ever going to hand it to you on a silver platter. You have to MAKE it happen." And they actually wrote me out a prescription, ordering me to make 1 hour of Time For Myself every day no matter what.

    Sometimes it meant getting up at 2 am to read. Sometimes it meant walking out the door the second their poor dad walked in and not looking back. There were days when it didn't work, and I had to be content with fantasies of murdering somebody, anybody, just so I could spend the rest of my life in solitary confinement in prison. Anyway, give yourself more than permission, give yourself DIRECT ORDERS to do what it takes to MAKE some time for yourself every day for the next 19 years 9 months and 2 weeks.

    P.S. Enclosed find a check for $50,000. Send superbaby to my address, priority shipping, asap.

  3. Ms Heath, I called you, but you didn't answer! You snooze (as if), you lose. :)

  4. Granny Arsenic, are you also interested in the free toddler? I may have to charge $20 today, but I can make an exception for you.

  5. Funny! Austin used to come into our room EVERY morning between 1am - 3am. This just recently stopped because I told him mommy was too tired to keep having to get up and put him back to bed. Not to mention now Abby is in our bed in the mornings...

    Have you tried to put up a baby gate in his doorway? This worked for Austin until he realized he could get a chair and climb over it. Then his dad just started messing with him and leaving booby traps out along the path to our door. lol Only took 4 years for him to grow out of coming to our bed in the wee hours! Good luck!
