Thursday, March 25, 2010

Supermom Feat of the Day

I got our son to school on time! I know: that doesn't sound that impressive. Well, back up Missy, because it is! Just to be clear, by "on time," I mean that I pulled up to his Montessori school at 9:00, not that we were actually in the building at 9:00. That counts, right? OK, now that that's cleared up. Since the time change, we (and most of the other parents) have not been able to get there before 9:10. It's not a big deal really, but I would love to have him there for the full time that we pay for and that he has access to his school, as he loves it so much. I got him there on time, even though he woke up with poop all over and had to have a bath!* He was even dressed, packed, and he had eaten by the time he got to school. Let me tell you at what cost I got him there:

- He ate his granola** (current addiction) in the car . . . which is a mouse-infested car, mind you. Yeah, I said mouse-infested. If you have any suggestions, we are all ears.
- Poor second 7-week-old child got pulled up from sleep, changed quickly, then thrown into the carseat (which I later discovered had hidden mouse dropping--sadness of my life) with nary a second of nursing. She had been fed only an hour prior, mind you, but that was of no comfort to her at the time.
- The dog didn't get let out to pee before we left. She hadn't eaten either.
- I sure as hell didn't eat before we left. To be honest, I never do on his school days.
- I didn't get home until nearly 11:00. After nursing the little one in the car outside school, changing a poopy diaper in the car, spending some time interacting with the wee one in the car since awake time is somewhat limited, dropping the carseat off at my husband's work so he could pick up our son, having him change another diaper, and driving home . . . it was nearly 11:00.

So what have we learned today? Getting there on time CAN be done! But the whole family must make sacrifices. I kid. Kind of. Really, today's lesson is that we have to take the successes where we can find them, and getting my little guy to school in time to take part in all the activities of the day was mine.

* He actually had three baths today, all thanks to renegade poop on the legs. I insist I would have millions of kids if poop weren't involved. For now, we're sticking to two.
**Oy. I said that my son is addicted to granola in the same post as I said he goes to Montessori school. We are heretofore labeled by all who read this as crunchy granola hippie parents, which we are and yet also really aren't. Keep reading this blog to discover how.


  1. Love the fancy look! Can you add a box so people can have email copies sent? If you need the code let me know :)

  2. I love you and love your blog!! I wish you a non-bath (i.e. no renegade poop) and granola filled day. :) I am so happy you are doing this.

  3. On our anniversary a few year ago we woke up to Aidan and his crib covered in poop. He literally smeared it everywhere. Your stories are very entertaining and familiar. xoxo
