Monday, October 4, 2010

Half Imperfect, Half Supermom

Imperfect: I turned back into Mommy Dearest last week when child of the corn #1 couldn't/wouldn't/didn't want to/refused to take his nap (seen left wearing his self-made Moby Wrap). No napping for #1 led to a waking up of #2, which doesn't fly in my world. I even flew around the house taking away all of his toys, books, and drums. They stayed gone for a few days even. Not my proudest moment, but oh boy.

Supermom: I found a solution that is (knock on wood) working so far. More darkening curtains on top of existing darkening curtains and a rearrangement of the room. Happy naps lead to happy afternoons for everyone.

Imperfect: I tried to sneak a nap in Minerva Maybelle Meriweather Minivan when we returned from a trip today. Superbaby was sleeping and Supertoddler was happily reading a book, and it was quiet save for the exclamations and questions about the book. I stole Mas's sweatshirt and used it as a pillow and reclined the driver's seat. This was after I leaned my head on the steering wheel. Mas told me I couldn't sleep on the steering wheel and laughed at me. I swear I got five minutes of nap, and no one was upset--even if Mas judged me and told me that we don't sleep in carseats, we sleep in beds.

Supermom: I took my kids to the library for Chinese storytime, thus enlarging their brains and making them more cultured. (Right?)

Imperfect: My dog pooped on the rug (and probably because she hardly gets her needs met), and I yelled at her. She's now back on spa vacation at my parents' house.

Supermom: I had the great idea for the whole family to take dinner (already made by Superdad last night) to the park. We played on the playground and had a really nice dinner together at a picnic table. It was a really sparkley moment.

Imperfect: We took photos with stuff (greens and berries from our smoothies) in my and Mas's teeth (at right).

Supermom: I helped Mas pee outside in the park under a tree because the bathroom was locked. I really didn't want to remove all the clothes from the lower half of his body, as the grass seemed a little wet and it was extremely cold, so I only took off one shoe and one pant leg and pulled the pants to one side, then placed the foot back in the shoe--all of which allowed him to squat effectively. I was proud.

Imperfect: Poor Superbaby was really sad on the way home because it was so cold.

Supermom: I thought to bring the Ergo so the toddler could ride on my back. We gave off the appearance of being a perfect little family. Baby in stroller, kid on back, laughing, singing. Well there was the matter of crying too because of cold. And if we were really perfect, we would have had the Momo there with us instead of having sent her away.

Dinner Tonight (featuring Mas' new gibberish language)

Priceless (yeah, I'm going there): brother and sister playing in the tub together on their tummies and laughing and laughing.

Tonight felt like what life with family is "supposed" to feel like. It was downright harmonious. It was a beautiful, still walkable fall day with a chill in the air. There was contagious laughter and hugs and food. No one was yelling or disgruntled. Everyone was enjoying each other's company. It's moments like these that keep me here and grounded.

This photo was taken while we were at the park tonight.

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