I could tell the usual stories about how frustrating it is when babies whom you've been toileting for a long time poop in their pants in the morning (or at the dinner table, as the case may be) when they're sick. But I'll refrain, as that's just entirely boring and we shouldn't speak of such things.
Instead I will tell you what's happening right now in the room adjacent to mine.
Mas just yelled, "COME OUT, POOP!!!!!!" He didn't really yell it so much as exclaim it. This reminds me of the time I took him to a public restroom, and he smacked his own butt cheek while sitting on the seat and said, "GET OUT, POOP!" Hilarious! His first exclamation was followed by a very matter-of-fact "I'm yelling at my poop." We were also just instructed to yell at his poop to get out. And we think he just called the poop Momo. I'm sure she'd be insulted if she knew.
So even as poop has been the bane of my existence and the cause of all things angry and frustrating the past few days, this is a good reminder that I still think poop is funny and that it can still bring me great joy.
For your comfort, he's not a kid who deals with constipation. He was just sent to try to poop because he was sitting on my lap and lifted himself up a little to toot. He was sitting on my lap! He's also not a rude kid--just innocently unashamed of all of his bodily functions.
For your information, the word poop has been used nine, now ten, times in this post.
Here's a video of Mas jamming in his usual manner.